Welcome to the 2010 Pool!

Due to high demand, we decided to splurge this season and create an official site. We also did this because some people think my updates are not funny and/or have ‘work’ to do and don’t want to be inundated with what some have termed as SPAM. Any email from Rob or I should be treasured… the rest are pretty much crap. We also apologize for Kim’s poems and that Mark has awakened the football demon (aka Lesley). We tried to dissuade her for many years from entering our pool and now we all must suffer thanks to Mark’s rookie mistake. So behold the humble beginnings of our site… it may be simple but so was Tecmo Bowl. To avoid further disruption, we will use this site as our blogging and update vehicle. In addition to posts and any smack talk you want to conduct (which may include poems I guess), you will also be able to download your weekly pick sheets. Please register with the site ASAP as we plan to close this by Sep. 30.

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8 Responses to Welcome to the 2010 Pool!

  1. mw says:

    POP! I am your first post…

    I bet Ryan picked the domain name… what happened? Was metrosexualfootballpool.com taken?

  2. Ryan Huey says:

    Too long 😉

  3. rob says:

    looks like you will fit in, just fine!

  4. DirtDog says:

    Great site! Thanks for the hard work. Ryan, amazing that you got hammered in the first minutes of posting the email! TDD

  5. Anne says:

    Ryan, great site!

  6. Limey says:

    With a username like mine, I fully expect (& encourage) some banter about how little I know about the game, I’m confusing it with rugby, etc etc….. Bring it on!

    I’ll say this much now though, shame on you if you finish the season below me; you have a distinct advantage of growing up with NFL! Ryan/Rob – perhaps weekly updates to this site on notable achievements/screw-ups, naming and shaming those winners/losers for the previous week’s picks?

    So, all that remains to be said (with a “stiff upper lip”) is “jolly good luck” Ladies, Gents & Ryan. May the most devious person win.

  7. Ryan says:

    Blimey! Scurvy is also another fun word. Now that we’ve settled a little British slang/history, I will assure you that there will not be any references to ‘American Football’ posted (other than this). The weekly updates tend to get a little rough so better stock up on some Vitamin C! Good luck Chris… glad you signed up.

  8. Peter C says:

    Looks like I remembered to register. Now if I can only remember submit my score sheets!

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