As a quick reminder… week 12 starts the Hot Tub!! I can finally move on to further embarrassment in the kiddie pool. Yeah! The week 12 pick sheet has been posted since we’ve got 3 games to think about on Thursday in addition to tasty delights which are sure to distract our keen football senses. If you want to jump out of the main pool, just say the magic words in your email this week. Some of you are on the slower side, so just in case… the magic words are “Hot Tub, please”.
Shining laser pointers in people’s eyes is definitely a way to get yourself on the wrong side of a 40′ wall… who does that?!? Osweiler has a hard enough time completing passes to his own team. The good news is that laser pointers don’t phase Dylan. In an effort to avoid the Mexican mayhem, the man does his pick sheets blindfolded. Hot Tub, please!
After posting a strong 116, Rich now leads House Leatham. Knowing Cassie, that type of nonsense will likely be short lived one way or another :).
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and good luck this week!!!