Not that I’d pick Pittsburgh against any team in their division let alone against the Vikings or Dolphins, but it seems like that Steeler D has gotten softer than Polamalu’s hair. This is very soft and silky according to Head & Shoulders. OK… maybe they could beat the Dolphins in a home game but only because a coaching change is imminent. Tom and Lesley feel the same way.
Ray French. This will probably be the last/only year you’ll be in our pool. I know you picked Dallas because you’re passionate about those milk maids, so in theory you really only missed one game… this is scary because now you’ve learned the extent of the awfulness of the Vikes/McNabb. We would all be fine if you decided not to turn in picks this week.
Tina… you knew this was coming eventually and I’m tired of picking on Hector for not submitting… computer calendars exist to help manage life’s most important tasks (a fortune cookie message I found the other day). Tina… even though you are not presently becoming a better pool playa, I do have a feeling that you are becoming a better person. I can sense this because your score completely balanced out your good bud, Danita, who is now on the verge of breaking into the top 10 after posting the second highest score this week. The goose and the golden egg!
Good luck and don’t forget to submit your picks in on time!
Tom and Lesley DO NOT feel the same way…